Are WaiverForever electronic signatures legally binding and secure? Yes!

Electronic signatures are legal, trusted, and enforceable in almost all industrialized countries in the world. WaiverForever supports not only image-based electronic signatures, but also certificate-based digital signatures with highest level of assurance of a signer’s identity.

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Learn about e-signatures

What is electronic signature?

What is electronic signature?

An e-signature or electronic signature is an efficient, legally binding way to get approval on electronic documents. Secure and verifiable, it can replace a handwritten signature in virtually any process.

Throughout the United States, electronic signatures have the same legal status as handwritten signatures, thanks to the E-Sign Act and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA).

In EU, the Electronic Identification and Trust Services Regulation (eIDAS) makes any type of e-signature legal and enforceable.

What is electronic signature?What is electronic signature?What is electronic signature?
What is electronic signature?

What is digital signature?

What is digital signature?

Digital signatures are the most advanced and secure type of electronic signature. You can use them to comply with the most demanding legal andregulatory requirements because they provide the highest levels of assurance about each signer's identity and the authenticity of the documentsthey sign.

Digital signatures use a certificate-based digital ID issued by an accredited Certificate Authority (CA) or Trust Service Provider (TSP) so when you digitally sign a document, your identity is uniquely linked to you, the signature is bound to the document with encryption, and everything can beverified using underlying technology known as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

What is digital signature?

What’s the difference between e-signatures and digital signatures?

What’s the difference between e-signatures and digital signatures?

Electronic signature (or e-signature) is a broad term referring to any electronic process that indicates acceptance of an agreement or a record. A certificate-based digital signature (often just called a digital signature) is a specific type of e-signature.

Typical e-signature solutions use common electronic authentication methods to verify signer identity, such as an email address, a corporate ID, or a phone PIN. If increased security is needed, multifactor authentication may be used. Digital signatures use certificate-based digital IDs from Trust Service Providers (TSPs) and demonstrate proof of signing by binding each signature to the document with cryptography.

What makes your digital signature so secure?

Your digital ID is trusted

Your digital ID is trusted

Compliant, certificate-based digital IDs come from accredited providers. You need to prove your identity before you get one.

It all gets encrypted

It all gets encrypted

Your digital signature and the document you sign are encrypted together and bound with a tamper-evident seal.

It’s unique to you

It’s unique to you

Every time you sign a document, you use your own unique digital certificate and PIN to validate your credentials and prove you're who you say you are.

It’s easy to validate

It’s easy to validate

Both the signed document and your digital signature can be re-validated by a CA or TSP for up to 10 years after the signing event.

How do WaiverForever signatures work?

Signer Authentication
Step 1
Signer Authentication
  • Hash marker
  • IP address
  • OS and browser information
  • Geo coordinates
  • Time and date stamps
  • Email verification
  • Digital signature (certificate-based digital ID)
    Inter and Consent
    Step 2
    Inter and Consent
      • Show intent by having signer draw or type a signature
      • Show consent by allowing business create and show a customized consent to signers before signing
      Final Proof
      Step 3
      Final Proof
        • Stored securely with us
        • Copy of signed pdf can be re-validated on our website
        • Every step is logged and captured in a secured audit trail

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